Long Furlong Primary School

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Early Years

Our Nursery and Reception classrooms are inspiring environments where children can engage in a range of learning opportunities. Our staff teams are passionate about providing the best start for all of our children and their families. We use the Statutory Framework for EYFS, Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters to scaffold our curriculum across both Nursery and Reception. You can find links to these documents below.

Our curriculum is not static, as we respond to the needs and interests of our children. We are flexible and responsive to our children’s next steps, enabling them to develop the skills to become lifelong learners.

At Long Furlong we support children to develop and learn through play, using both the indoors and outdoor environment.

The EYFS has separated areas of learning into prime learning areas and specific learning areas. There are three prime areas of learning which are:

 · Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Communication and Language

· Physical Development

There are four specific areas of learning which are:

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding the world

· Expressive Arts and Design.

All areas of learning are important and are interconnected with each other. In the early years, our curriculum allows children to learn about the world through being active, exploring, being creative and learning to think. These are known as the ‘Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning’

The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

 • playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

• active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

• creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things



Becky Davies-Teacher

Tracey Smith-Nursery practitioner


Clare Willetts-Teacher

Lucy Ford-HLTA

Charlotte Mallia-TA

Early years curriculum overview

EYFS curriculum intent

Reception timetable

All areas of learning are important and are interconnected with each other. In the early years, our curriculum allows children to learn about the world through being active, exploring, being creative and learning to think. The documents that inform the early years curriculum are linked below:

Statutory Framework for EYFS

Development Matters

Birth to 5 Matters

Other useful documents

What To Expect in the EYFS

Non-Statutory Guidance for the EYFS