Long Furlong Primary School

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Badger club wrap around care

Badger Club is a breakfast and after-school club providing wraparound care for children attending Long Furlong School. They are based in the school hall, and provide a homely, fun-filled environment. The club provides a wide and varied range of indoor and outdoor activities. As governed by the Ofsted ‘play setting’ guidelines,  children are encouraged to make independent choices in their play –  for example climbing trees and using the play equipment.

The Club is managed by a voluntary committee of school parents.

Welcome Pack

Parents Information Booklet 2023

Badger Club is registered with Ofsted separately from the school (Ofsted number EY561085). We are also a Registered Charity (Charity Number 1175264).

Please click here to see outcomes from our most recent Ofsted inspection.

Badger Club has its own set of policies which are separate from the school’s; they can be accessed by clicking here.

Breakfast Club

The Club runs during term time from 7.45am to 8.45am, Monday – Friday (Bank Holidays and Inset days excluded). Staff will make sure the children are in their class by 8.45 am for the start of the school day.

We offer a range of breakfast food including cereal, toast with jam, yogurts and fruit; and breakfast drinks such as juice and milk. Breakfast is served between 7.45 and 8.15 am (at the latest). The children then have a choice of games to play, books to read, craft activities or catching up with friends before the start of the day. Each Breakfast Club session is £4.15 per child.

After School Club

The Club runs during term time from 3.15pm to 5.45pm, Monday – Friday (Bank Holidays and Inset days excluded). Places can either be booked as regular slots each week (a contract) or on an ad-hoc drop-in basis (limited availability). After a healthy snack, the children can choose from a variety of activities: reading, quiet time, craft, play outside or just sit and chat with friends. We also mark special events and celebrations throughout the year with activities and organise visits to the club, which the children really enjoy! The cost is £8.00 per child per session.

A discount scheme is available for daily users and those with more than one child attending the Club.

  • A 10% discount is applied to children attending either Breakfast or After-school club five days a week. For children attending both Breakfast and After-School club five days a week, the 10% discount will be added to both clubs.
  • A discount of 10% will be applied to all siblings of any child paying the full rate. This only applies on days when all siblings attend a particular session.

For further information, please contact the manager by leaving a message on our mobile number 07762 385760 or alternatively send us an email at badgerclub@long-furlong.oxon.sch.uk

To register with the Club to request regular sessions (a contract) please go to our Kids Club HQ booking system

There is a one-off £5 registration fee per child.

For regular sessions, please go to My Contracts and request a new contract.  Any changes to your existing contract can also be requested through this section.  All requests will be subject to approval by the manager.

For ad hoc booking, please use the Kids Club HQ link above and go to My Bookings and select the session(s) required (if available). There is very limited availability for afternoon sessions at the present time.


Each member of staff is qualified to carry out basic First Aid, and has completed food hygiene and safeguarding training. All staff have undergone enhanced DBS checks to ensure their suitability to work with children. There is a staff child ratio of 1:8.