Long Furlong Primary School

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PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial part of a child’s education. It gives children access to critical information about themselves and the many facets of the diverse world around them. At Long Furlong we aim to promote children’s knowledge, self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and resilience, and to help them to form and maintain worthwhile and positive relationships. Children will be taught to have respect for themselves, and for others. We aim to develop key character skills, including decision making, informed risk taking, good communication, and self-regulation strategies. We encourage the exploration of, and respect for, values held by different cultures and groups within our local community and promote the development of positive attitudes. We encourage honesty and respect in all relationships, and nurture sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others.  

 We aim to enable children to develop a deepening knowledge of their health and wellbeing, including their mental and physical health. We aim to equip children and young people with information, skills and values to understand and to be able to cope with the physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty. The information provided will be relevant and appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils. We aim to prepare pupils adequately for adult life: its decisions, responsibilities, experiences and opportunities, and to allow pupils to develop fully as emotional mature human beings. 



In the Foundation Stage, PSHE is embedded throughout the curriculum. Teachers use the Personal, Social and Emotional Development statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals to provide guidance and next steps for the children's progress and development. 


In Key Stage 1 and 2 Long Furlong’s PSHE Curriculum incorporates statutory content of Relationships Education and Health Education. PSHE education also covers economic wellbeing, careers & enterprise education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and personal safety (including assessing and managing risk). 


Pupils are taught PSHE using ‘Jigsaw’ which is a spiral, progressive scheme of work, covering all of the above and 'aims to prepare children for life, helping them to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world’. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus. 


PSHE is taught through Jigsaw’s six half termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level): 

Autumn 1: Being Me in My World 
Autumn 2: Differences (including anti-bullying) 

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals 

Spring 2: Healthy Me 

Summer 1: Relationships 

Summer 2: Changing Me (including Sex Education) 


PSHE is taught by class teachers in Years 1-6 on a weekly basis with some content also being taught through other subject areas like Computing and Science (for example the teaching of e-safety within Computing lessons).  


PSHE education will also be taught within other contexts, such as assemblies, ‘circle time’ or ‘class meetings’. A taught session may look very different in one year group to the next - class teachers have discretion to plan and deliver teaching that suits the individual needs of their class, whilst ensuring that all curriculum content is covered effectively.  


Wider Curriculum   

  • We believe that focusing on developing a 'Growth Mindset' in our children will help them to build resilience, independence and confidence; embrace challenge; foster a love of learning; and increase their level of happiness. We do this through the language we use in class, praising children for their efforts, and using language to encourage children to change their way of thinking. This supports both our school and PSHE aims and values, and we focus on Growth Mindsets in all aspects of school life. 
  • Visitors such as emergency services and the school nurse complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning.           
  • We encourage our pupils to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to show the school values of Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Courage and resilience.                                                                                                                
  • Where appropriate assemblies are linked to a PSHE unit or a national focus such as ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. 



Personal, Social, Health and Economic education will provide the tools through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. 

The skills that children at Long Furlong will develop will include, but are not limited to:  

  • An understanding of their rights, and how these rights can and should be protected  
  • An understanding of our diverse and complex world, and an empathy and respect for the rights of all individuals  
  • Positive and constructive communication, with developing oracy skills  
  • Resilience and self-regulation, and a keen understanding of their own health and wellbeing 
  • Risk management and balanced decision making 


PSHE Curriculum overview

whole school PSHE overview

PSHE progression