Long Furlong Primary School

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The governing board comprises of:

  • 4 parent governors
  • 1 staff governor
  • 6 co-opted governors
  • 1 Local Authority appointed governor
  • the Headteacher.

The document below shows the period of office for each governor, whether he or she is a governor at any other school, whether there is any financial (or other) interest declared, their areas of particular responsibility, and their term of office:

Full Governing Board – current

Historical record

Governors Code of Conduct

The full governing board meets monthly (with the exception of December and August). A Chair and Vice Chair of the board is elected annually by their peers; each governor is asked to be Lead or Deputy Lead in a particular area, as follows:

  • Safeguarding/Child Protection
  • Inclusion
  • Finance
  • Quality of Education
  • Staffing
  • Health & Safety

School governors make important collective decisions and the governing board is answerable to pupils, parents, the community, the Local Authority, the Department for Education and OFSTED. The responsibilities of the governing board can be summarised as providing strategic management, providing support and challenge and ensuring accountability. Specific responsibilities include:

  • Promoting high standards of teaching, learning and achievement
  • Helping to plan the school’s long-term future
  • Helping to define the school’s aims and values
  • Interviewing and appointing staff, including the Head Teacher
  • Budgetary allocation and control

The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher.

The record of governors’ attendance at meetings during the academic year can be downloaded here:

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Instrument of Government


Our governing board strives, as far as possible, to be representative of the diverse community that it serves.

The DfE’s guidance on ‘What maintained schools must publish online’ recommends collecting and publishing diversity-related data about the people on the governing board. The Department provides no prescriptive method of collecting diversity-related data from volunteers, nor does it give a prescriptive definition of what this data should include.

Diversity data