Long Furlong Primary School

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Special Education Needs

At Long Furlong school we are committed to providing an equitable education to all.  A number of children will need special needs support during their years at school; children may have a physical disability or a specific learning difficulty e.g. with reading, emotional difficulties etc. We are guided by a National Code of Practice that lays down how such children should be identified and their progress assessed; further information can be found in our SEND policy . If we consider that a child may benefit from special needs support we will always consult the parent/carer as the first step. If you consider that your child has special needs please discuss this with your child’s class teacher.

If you have queries or concerns about special educational needs/disabilities, these should be discussed in the first instance with your child’s class teacher, who may seek advice from our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Clare Willetts.  The school governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Hiranthi Herath.  If you need to contact either of them, please email the school office on office.2602@long-furlong.oxon.sch.uk and we can forward your message.  If the matter is confidential, office staff can give you the relevant email address.

Oxfordshire County Council’s Local Offerbrings together information about education, health and care services for children and young people from 0 to 25 with SEND, can be found by clicking here. You might also find their Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) useful; more information can be found on their website by clicking here, or read their leaflet about SEND in mainstream schools.



A link to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy, which reflects the Code of Practice, is shown below, along with our SEN Information Report and Accessibility Plan. 

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy 

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report 2024-25Accessibility Plan 2023-26

The Oxfordshire Family Information Directory can be found by clicking here

The Department for Education has published a guide about special educational needs and disabilities, and this can be downloaded below:

SEND – A Guide for Parents and Carers

SEND – Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum

Independent information for parents/carers can be found at https://www.specialneedsjungle.com

Information on Autism Family Support Oxford can be found at https://www.afso.org.uk/

Information about SEND and Early Years can be found by visiting the Portage Hub click here