Long Furlong Primary School

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Extra-Curricular Activities 


Joining a club is a fantastic way for children to explore new interests, develop skills and extend friendships. We have a variety of clubs that children can attend. Some are run by external providers, and some are run by school staff. Some of the clubs on offer are:

  • Gardening club
  • Choir
  • sport club
  • creative club
  • French
  • Guitar
  • Chess
  • Maypole
  • Eco club
  • School council

Please contact the office for more information on how to join a club. 


We have visiting music teachers who offer tuition on a fee-paying basis; these currently include violin, cello and piano. Children are offered regular opportunities to share their musical skills with their peers  through music assemblies, performances at a variety of school events   


Sporting opportunities are available through PE lessons (which  includes swimming sessions), after-school clubs run by staff and visiting coaches. We also regularly compete against other schools in a diverse range of sporting activities. In recent years we have competed in local/regional tournaments in football, tag rugby, netball, cross country, athletics, cricket and tennis.

Environmental and Outdoor Education

All children, including those in the Foundation stage (Nursery and Reception), undertake a number of day or part day visits through the school year linked to their curriculum studies. Years 3 and 4 have a short residential stay at an outdoor centre and the Year 6 children spend a week at an outdoor activity centre.

We also have a wildlife area within the school grounds which is regularly used by the younger children for forest school.