Long Furlong Primary School

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Online Safety

We are very conscious of the need to help children to keep themselves safe in the digital world. Online safety encompasses not only Internet technologies but also electronic communications via mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children and young people about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology. 

We have an Online Safety/Social Media policy, and procedures for recording and investigating any incidents that might arise, and children are taught about these issues through the curriculum.

If something has happened online that has made your child – or you – feel worried or unsafe, you should click on the CEOP link (below and in the footer of the website) and report it.  The CEOP site also has a wide range of help and advice for parents, children and young people.

 Links to Information about Online Safety

Online Safety / Social Media Policy

General advice

Supporting Young People Online

Parents’ Factsheet

E-safety Conversation Starters

Free resources
If you have any concerns or queries about child safety on-line,  please get in touch with the office, who can refer you to the safeguarding team.