Long Furlong Primary School

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School Uniform

Children must wear uniform to school every day. There is no requirement for uniform to have the school logo, and appropriate uniform can be purchased from many supermarket and high street shops. The school also holds several second hand uniform events throughout the year, where uniform can be purchased at very reasonable prices. 

Footwear: should be shoes or boots (not trainers) and be black, navy or a dark colour with enclosed heels and toes. 

PE: Black shorts and a plain or white T shirt or their House T shirt for indoor PE. In winter they will need to wear a jumper (school hoody or sweatshirt, or burgundy hoody/ sweatshirt) and jogging bottoms (plain black or plain dark coloured). Children with long hair should bring a ‘tie’ so that they are able to tie hair back during lesson.

Swimming: Children will go swimming in some year groups. In addition to a swimming costume children must wear a swimming hat. Goggles will be allowed at the discretion of the swimming teacher.

Earrings: We request that children do not wear earrings or other jewellery to school. Children with pierced ears may wear plain studs if necessary. If your child does wear studs then they must be able to remove and replace their earring entirely independently. Pupils will always be asked to remove their earrings before PE lessons unless they have been recently pierced, in which case they will be covered with tape. 

Accessories: plain hairbands, clips and hair ties may be worn.  Pupils are not permitted to wear nail polish in school.

New logo uniform can be bought from the following suppliers:


My clothing 

Brigade clothing